The India Bullet-Resistant Glass Market Continues To Grow Owing To the Rising Demand from the Automotive and Defense Sectors and Imposition of Safety Protocols

Bullet-resistant glass is a type of bullet-proof safety glass. These safety products are used in industries ranging from aerospace and defense to law enforcement, but their main application is bullet-resistant glass for ships, planes, and automobiles. The term bulletproof glass is sometimes also used to describe window panes found in windows, but this term is incorrect as they are not bulletproof. It is important to note that while many of these products are indeed bulletproof, they are not 100% bulletproof. However, when a product is bulletproof, it almost always has additional other bullet-resistant features incorporated into its design. Bulletproof glass refers to any item which is bulletproof but is also capable of resisting impacts with a bullet or gunfire without suffering any damage. This includes bullet-resistant fiberglass, bullet-resistant windows, bulletproof vests, and bulletproof windowpanes. Bulletproof glass is actually a thin layer of crystalline silicon sprayed...